====== Symfony ====== ===== Initialization ===== symfony new projectname [--webapp] # create new project cd projectname composer req templates # install twig composer req debug # install debug tools composer req symfony/asset # asset() function (TBC if useful) composer req symfony/orm-pack composer req --dev symfony/maker-bundle # some tools to generate assets ===== Configuration ===== Create ''docker-compose.yml'' to contain ''mariadb'' and (optionally) adminer and set db connect string in environment file ''.env'' (see below) # start docker db docker compose up -d # ensure db exists ./bin/console doctrine:database:create --if-not-exists ===== Code Generation ===== # create entity ./bin/console make:entity User # ... # crea db stuff ./bin/console make:migration ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate # now the crud part # add a couple of make:crud dependencies composer req form validator security-csrf annotations # get rid of deprecated stuff (does not work...) # composer remove sensio/framework-extra-bundle # now create controller etc. ./bin/console make:crud User # start up server symfony server:start -d # and go to /user/ in browser later... composer recipes # update all recipes docker-compose.yml version: '3' services: db: image: mariadb:latest volumes: - ./data/mariadb:/var/lib/mysql ports: - 3306:3306 restart: unless-stopped environment: MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD: adminpwd MARIADB_DATABASE: sft MARIADB_USER: sft MARIADB_PASSWORD: sft adminer: image: adminer restart: always ports: - 8080:8080 .env: DATABASE_URL="mysql://sft:sft@" --- //[[jrt@gmx.de|Jonas Rathert]] 2023/03/23 10:48//