
Jonas Doku Wiki

This is the main page of my own personal dokuwiki, where I collect all kinds of stuff. This might not be of relevance for you, and some of what is included here might even be a bit cryptic - but in case it helps, it helps: feel free to use it.

Main reason why I have this here: When working or just playing around with IT (i.e., servers, software etc.), I occasionally get stuck and try to find publicly available information. Yes, you can find it, but often it is outdated, not exhaustive - and a main cause for trouble is that people do not give any information about to which version of underlying software etc. their content applies. I try to do better.

You can find information on several topics here:

IT Topics

All of these pages are just „notes“ taken during configuration and setup.

Bike topics



Good luck and have fun!

Jonas Rathert 2022/02/15 19:11